Omega Replica

Omega Replica

The brand launched an hour strike Omega Replica, 250 years after Louis Moinet was born. It is based on a movement that Eric Coudray created together.

Ultravox is an editorial team that creates a connection between a legacy and the future. It links the watchmaker Louis Moinet to the brand that bears his name. Louis Moinet is the inventor of the modern chronograph. However, his clocks were also made for many world leaders like Napoleon Bonaparte, Tsar Alexander I and presidents of the United States. This tradition is renewed by Louis Moinet, who presents a new chiming movement created by Eric Coudray.

The Ultravox, in keeping with the Memoris chronograph Omega Replica spirit, shows the entire chiming mechanism. To control the complex movement's many components, a special plate was needed. It is finished with the trademark Moinet Blue, which enhances the mirror-polished screws on the movement. This same blue is used to finish the hammer at 12 o’clock. It strikes out the hours against a gong, which can be seen all around the dial's circumference. Ultravox will be made available in limited quantities of 28 pieces and a 46.5mm rose-gold case starting in the autumn.

Louis Moinet made several announcements on the Omega Replica 250th anniversary since the birth of the watchmaker. Louis Moinet was also named by Bourges, France. The Impasse Louis Moinet isn't just any street in the town. It is also the street where you will find his 1820s home. Louis Moinet announced also the creation of a digital museum that will house the most authenticated Louis Moinet memorabilia worldwide. He also announced a partnership with HEAD, which offers a prize worth 5,000 Swiss Francs to students who have the best ideas about the future Omega Replica.

Collection20 Second TempographAstralisAstrolabeBlack Gold DerrickDatascopeGeographJules VerneLegendsMagistralisMecanographMemorisMetropolisMobilisObjet d'ArtRussian EagleSideralisSideralis EvoSpace MysterySpiroscopeStardanceTempographTreasures of the WorldTwintechTwintech ChronographeVariographVertalisVertalor Tourbillon

Ateliers Louis Moinet was founded out of the passion and drive of one man. This Omega Replica Maison is all about exclusivity, and produces only limited editions.